invisible sea,invisible mountain


“Invisible Sea” “Invisible Mountain” 2018
Steel, Urethane Painted, UV print
Architecture : Okayama Saiseikai Health Checkup Center and Car Park Building
Client :Social Welfare Organization Saiseikai lmperial Gift Foundation,lnc.
Design and Constraction : Takenaka Corporation
Art Produce: TAK Property

Invisible Sea 2018
Public art of Okayama Saiseikai Heaith Checkup Center and Car Park Building.
Everyone has a memory of the sea. Light and shadows reflected on the surface.
Facial expressions and colors that change constantly. Its silence and intensity.
Sometimes Memory of the sea is as vivid as it seems to be touched by the hands,
sometimes it seem to be vague and elusive.
The inner sea of the viewer and the sea spreading out of the window, that two “invisible seas”
should resonate.

Invisible Mountain 2018
Public art of Okayama Saiseikai Heaith Checkup Center and Car Park Building.
The shape of the mountain formed in the eternal time is magnificent, sublime.
Mt. Fuji, Mont Blanc, Everest and other world famous peaks.
They can be far from each other, never cross.
However, if you follow the horizon of the land and the sea, you are connected to any top from the
place where we are standing. The imagination should carry us to a far-away place in a moment.
I hope the scenery of Okayama’s mountain spreading over the window and the “invisible mountains”
Should resonate.